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how much longer will this lock down last?

“In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.” – 1 Peter 1:6-7

You are asking yourself, how much longer will this lock down last?📷Yes. It does seem like a long time for us all to be “shut down.”

Even though most of us have not been affected by the virus through sickness or death we have all been affected by the lockdown. We at Warriors for Christ have been in lockdown for 2 months, but are able to minister in new ways through the internet.How are you doing in this Corona crisis? Can we pray for you and your family? Please email your requests and we will post them on the Warriors for Christ Facebook page.We have temporarily had to put off traveling to Arizona and Indian Bible College, but the Lord has opened other doors of ministry for Warriors for Christ. With so many staying home we have new ministry possibilities to reach so many through Warriors for Christ Online.God has gives Warriors for Christ both challenges, but also new opportunities. We are adding new videos for our WFC Online channel on YouTube; on the playlist Light for the Path. Our purpose is to both minister and instruct. Also we are now “live streaming” them on Facebook. In this way we can answer questions bringing the Word in a personal way.📷We are continuing to add Google slides (like PowerPoint) for each lesson to help make our discipleship course easy to use – another tool for Pastors and Native leaders. We are also adding more videos to YouTube, on Walking the New Path discipleship course. Each lesson will have four parts (videos), again another tool for training and teaching.

Prayer Need:· Please pray for the Navajo and Lummi reservations that have been hit hard with the virus.

Opportunities to get involved:·

WFC volunteer intern for the summer. Needs to be able to work with computer, and projects on the Warriors Path (wfc headquarters)· WFC video production and web design· WFC Prison Ministry –can be done from homeOpportunities to give:· $150. – Modem· $100 – UPS -Backup battery for computer· $150. – New Phone for Warriors for Christ· $3,000. – Ministry trip to Arizona – Indian Bible College and Native Churches· $85. – Attachment for weed eater – brush cutter· $600 – Washing MachineA big thank you to Pastor Ron and Lois Bolt. They supplied funds for WFC’s computer and software upgrades. And Travis Crandall for a new weed eater and help at the Warrior’s Path.

PLEASE make a monthly pledge, or a one–time gift by VISIT ,at the top of the page click on “You can Help” then, click on the “DONATE” button at the bottom of the page and use our secure site to make your pledge or tax-exempt gift, through PayPal.With your continued support we have been able to minister during this time of new opportunities and uncertainty to the Native Nations. Thank you all so much for partnering with us. You are a big part of Warriors for Christ!”It is good to give thanks to the LORD and to sing praises to Your name, O Most High; to declare Your loving kindness in the morning and Your faithfulness by night.” Psalm 92:1, 2

Walking His Path,

Gordon Shadburne Executive Director