News & Updates

Cyber Signals — May – June 2016

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“Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:31-32




 “Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.”
Philippians 4:11-12  

      As Paul writes, he has learned to live a life for Christ; not looking at what others had, but seeking to have a closer relationship with Jesus. 

      It is easy to see the “prosperity” of others and think,  “Why not me, Lord?”  Yet, do we really know how their life is going? Maybe they do have more money,  but how is their family life?  How will their children grow up?   How is their spiritual life? 

     Let us seek after a rich “spiritual life” and other blessings and contentment will come. The Lord is faithful to those who serve Him; to those who seek after Him. 

Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits— who forgives all your sins
and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

Psalm 103:2-5

       11249911_1116328085043972_1953532620550087462_nWARRIORS FOR CHRIST NEWS

  • Reaching Out: This summer we are reaching out to Native Pastors on reservations and in urban areas in the Northwest (WA, OR, ID, and B. C.) to bring discipleship training to Native churches. It is our goal to provide training  workshops in Native churches, to see lives changed, empowered by His Word, and then leave Walking the New Path, so those who have been through the training can disciple others. If you are a part of a Native church, share our information with your Pastor.  We also are available for discipleship training at the Warrior’s Path, the Warriors for Christ headquarters in Port Townsend, WA.
  • Convocation: We attended the Native American Fellowship Convocation in Auburn WA. It was a great time to meet up with friends around the country and represent Warriors for Christ. We are now following up several contacts we made.
  • Easter Dinner: Brown, came to discipleship class at S’Klallam Worship Center, so excited to tell us all his news. He was honored by his clan 11143274_1016766111666837_573850255979103617_o - Copythis Easter. He was asked to pray for the meal at his clan’s  Easter dinner. Like others in the class, he has experienced such great spiritual growth.
  • Discipleship Center: Through a generous gift, Warriors for Christ we will be able to finish the Discipleship Center.  We are so excited about this gift.  But, we could use your volunteer help with insulating, sheetrocking, painting, putting in a wood stove, etc.  Your men’s group or youth group could come as a mission trip.
  • Warriors for Christ YouTube Channel: Currently, we have Light for the Path on the YouTube channel and are adding more videos.  In the future we will start adding Walking the New Path.  This can be used for discipleship training around the nation, for those who can’t come to Warrior’s Path, or as a additional resource for disciplers.
  • 2 other special gifts: We received a general gift that we were able to use to cover travel expenses for Convocation. This was such a blessing. Another gift supplied 5 sets of Walking the New Path to those who would otherwise be unable to purchase the course.  Thank you so much to our faithful supporters.


(Below is an excerpt of the Warriors for Christ discipleship course, Walking the New Path. Each newsletter we add a new section.)


  1. Bible resources 
  • Versions of the Bible – Use a Bible that is easier to understand such as New King James, New American Standard, or New International Version. Warriors for Christ recommends the New International Version Study Bible or New American Standard Study Bible.
  • Study Bibles – Study Bible have additional notes and explanations at the bottom of the page that will help you understand the scripture you are reading. There are also several Bible helps at the back of the Bible, such as maps, concordance, dictionary, so you can study and understand the Bible better. Before you study the Word, pray asking the Holy Spirit to give you understanding and wisdom. You can also read the introduction to the book of the Bible you are going to read to give you more insight.
  • Bible Studies – These studies give you an overview and explanation of the whole Bible or particular books. For example, Chuck Swindoll’s “Insight for Living” has many great studies on books of the Bible.
  • Concordances –A concordance has a list of key words in the Bible. You can look up a word and it will give you a list of books, chapters, and verses that contain that word a specific word. An example would be “Strong’s Concordance.” You also may have one in the back of your Bible. So, if you looked up the word love, for instance, you could then find each verse in the Bible that contains that word. Thus, you could do a topical study and find out what the Lord says about certain subjects. Take time right now with your discipler to look up “love” or maybe “eagle” in your concordance.
  • Topical Bible References – Example Naves Topical Bible lists scripture by topic. It has Bible quotes by subject, topic, or a person. Warriors for Christ recommend you get “God’s Promises for Your Every Need.” This small book is great for studying, memorizing, meditating, and counseling.
  • Bible Dictionaries – Defines a word from a Biblical standpoint. This is important as the meaning of words changes as English meanings change. Such as the word “cool” used to mean something that is colder, but now means something trendy, fashionable, or really neat.
  • Book Commentaries – Gives an understanding and helps explain a book in the Bible, example is “Matthew Henry Commentary.” It goes through each book of the Bible with verse-by-verse explanation.
  • Paraphrase – A paraphrase is not a real Bible, but one person’s interpretation of what the Bible means. An example of this is the “Living Bible.” Paraphrases can be a good tool to help understand the main ideas of verses, but should not replace your Bible


  • “I am a Disabled Navy Veteran and my wife works at Wonder Works in Pigeon Forge…  We have been displaced” – Kevin
  • “… Lord I come to you in the name of Jesus that you come into my son’s Val life and cleanse him from all the negative friends and behaviors. Lord remove any and all cravings for any addiction in his life. Because I know that you Lord are in control and will provide what it is your will…. May all charges against Val be dropped on June 23 when he goes to court. ….” – Rose
  • ” Please pray for me. I helped this man for over four years. He had nothing when we met. Now he is in his own home, two cars, a truck, a phone. He claimed he loved me and wanted a life with me. He owes me a lot of money. ..I want God to help me. I want this pain and sorrow to be taken away. I am tired of running up with men who take advantage of my kindness…” = Norma
  • ” I have been experiencing an onslaught of attacks by the adversary over the past three yrs. Recently, the attacks have been more intensified. Every front is under constant attack: family relationships, financial, Spiritual, and health. I am requesting that you would stand in agreement with me, that these attacks would be squashed by the Holy Spirit. I pray this is according to HIS Will, and in the Name of CHRIST JESUS, Amen Thank you Prayer Warriors.. and many Blessings….” – Ron


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    • Please pray for open doors as we reach out to Native Pastors in the Northwest.
    • Please pray for more volunteers to come alongside Warriors for Christ.  There     are increased opportunities to minister .  We need your help.
    • We need your financial help in several areas :
    • Scholarship fund for training at the headquarters – $250 per week per person
    • Travel expenses for discipleship training to Native churches
    • Lawn mower – $200.+
    • Stave/Range – $300+
    • Eyeglasses for Gordon and Jan – $200. each pair

    To be able to provide discipleship training for ministry opportunities, we need your partnership. Real discipleship training is not just a Bible study, but is to be used to model a Christ-like lifestyle. We would ask you to prayerfully consider a monthly pledge or a one-time gift to Warriors for Christ so that we can go through the doors the Lord has opened.

    Please look at the list of opportunities above, and pray about which needs the Lord would have you fill by partnering with Warriors for Christ through your financial gifts.

    Ways you can help:

    1. Make a monthly pledge, or a onetime gift through the WFC website – go to “you can help” and use the “Donate” button to make a secure  gift through PayPal.
    2. or just send us a email at, and we can send you a stamped return envelope for your check .


 Regional Directors and Executive Leadership positions, Work parties, Illustrations, Student Internships, Prayer Circle,

Warrior Council, Headquarters maintenance, and many more.

 Please contact us to discuss how you can be involved in ministry through Warriors for Christ.



News & Updates

Volunteer comes up from Portland to help WFC!

Matt Dwyer came up for a week to help us work on the Discipleship Center.  With the help of Doug Person, Gordon and Brooke Shadburne one of the large doors has been framed in, with the second in process.  It was great to have Matt here, and we sure appreciate his hard work.  If you or others would be interested in helping in any way, please give us a call!