
We are providing the following links as resources both for American Indian ministries, as well as resources. We do not endorse content that may appear on the sites, though we have done our best to review them to ensure the websites are upstanding and accurate.


[panel title=”Native American Ministries”]

  • First Nation’s Monday – The purpose of First Nations Monday is to encourage First Nations ministry leaders & prayer coordinators, independent intercessory groups, organizations, fellowships, and individuals to join together in prayer the first Monday of each month.
  • Broken Walls – Broken Walls is led by Jonathan, Mohawk from Tyendinaga Territory. They are a part of an awakening of God’s people and His church. Their desire is to flow in true worship to the Father and see His Spirit move, as He is high and lifted up.
  • Diamond Willow Ministries – DWM is a 501c3 non-profit organization (all contributions to this ministry are tax deductible) comprised of community members brought together by a common vision. This is the only “Ministry in S.D.”


[panel title=”American Indian Culture”]


[panel title=”Indian Reservations”]


[panel title=”American Tribal Affiliation (Tracing Geneology)”]

